Verona's hills: from Valpolicella to Soave
The hilly landscape that surrounds Verona is certainly one of the widest and most typical in our region: vineyards as far as the eye can see, olive groves, ancient villages with teir castles and superb country villas. It is a landscape that also captivates the sense of smell, especially during the grape harvest. As a matter of fact, the city of Verona is at the center of 16 Italian DOCs (certified) wines, and Italy's most important wine event, Vinitaly, takes place right here.
Valpolicella is the hilly region north-west of Verona, famous throughout the world for its red wines, among which Amarone stands out. Soave is famous for its dry white wines. Neighboring but located higher than Soave is the Durello area, another white Prosecco-style sparkling wine produced from native grapes, still little known but which is achieving great results. The red Bardolino (with the rosé variant called Chiaretto) and the whites Custoza and Lugana are three DOCs all located on the shores and in the hinterland of Lake Garda.